Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Committee Overview

The Economic and Social Council is at the heart of the United Nations system to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.

Committee Officers

Wilson Yao
Nina Zhang

President Chair

Basis Guangzhou

Wilson Yao
Jamie Xiao



Wilson Yao
Phoenix Wang



Wilson Yao
William Liu

Assistant Chair


Nansha College Preparatory Academy

Topic Overview

Topic 1: Establishing global resilience in exceptionalism during international trade

Topic 2: Building the framework to coordinate humanitarian assistance for building sustainable development in countries affected by the influenza pandemic.

Background Guides

Working Papers

Background guides for SCMUN XII will be available here soon.

Draft Resolutions

Background guides for SCMUN XII will be available here soon.


Background guides for SCMUN XII will be available here soon.